Recent Notices for This Group

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Season of Advent

Advent is traditionally a season of remembering and hoping, remembering how the people of the Old Testament had longed for a new beginning, for a Messiah, and learning from them how to live with hope in a wintry world. The term ADVENTUS meant COMING or ARRIVAL. When Christians began to use this term they used it to refer to what

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Sacramental Masses

Our children preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation will participate in our Sacramental Masses of preparation next weekend at the 7pm Mass in St John XX lll Church Clooney and the 11am Mass next Sunday in St Mary’s Church Quin.

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Priests Christmas Collection

The Christmas Collection for the Priests of the Pastoral Area who serve the parish will take place at all Masses in the parish next weekend. This is one of only four appeals to the people of the parish to support your priests. Envelopes are available and your generosity is very much appreciated.

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