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Pastoral Council

A Parish Pastoral Council was formally established in the parish of Quin-Clooney-Maghera in June 2006.  This is in line with recommendations from the Vatican and the Irish Catholic Hierarchy and reflects changes taking place in the Church worldwide.  The PPC represents a partnership of priests and laypeople sharing responsibility for the pastoral care of the parish and planning for its future.  It exists to provide service and support to individuals and families, and to affirm and encourage other parish groups in their respective ministries.  It is not ‘in charge’ of the parish.  Rather, it will be at the service of the parish taking charge of itself.  Currently, there are 15 laypeople on the PPC and these will obtain training to assist them in their work.  According to a Constitution that the PPC has adopted, each layperson must retire after three years, to make way for new volunteers.

Chairperson:  Patricia Dillon – 083130656

Secretary: Pamela McGrath Tel: 086 249 3493


Recent Notices for This Group

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The Messenger

For many, many years, this pocket-sized magazine has been at the heart of Catholic Church life in Ireland. Published by the Jesuit Order, this little gem has, down the years, provided reassurance for our parents and grandparents in the beliefs and practices of their Catholic faith. We encourage families throughout the parish to re-engage with the Messenger. A year’s subscription

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Next weekend we begin a four week preparation for the feast of Christmas. The Advent season gives us the opportunity to have a spiritual preparation for the feast of Christmas.

First Sunday of Advent : Senior Citizens Christmas Gathering

Second Sunday of Advent : Sacramental Mass for those preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Third Sunday of Advent: Bambenelli

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CHY Forms:

We wish to thank all those who have returned their CHY forms in recent weeks. To anyone who have not yet returned their form, please remember to return these to the parish office by the end of this week. This is a valuable form of income for the parish and we appreciate your support in this.

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