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Volunteer Ministries in the Killaloe Diocese

Information evenings on the training programmes for the Ministry of Catechist and the Ministry of Pastoral Care will be held at three locations across the Diocese in early September. These are the venues, times and dates:

*Kilrush, Community Centre: Wednesday, September 11th at 7.30pm.

*Ennis, Pastoral Centre: Thursday September 12th at 7.30pm

*Nenagh: Pastoral Centre, Monday 16th September at 7.30pm

At these meetings, Bishop Fintan will be present to formally launch this programme of training and formation.

People currently involved in a myriad of volunteer ministries will also be present to answer any of your questions. Come along to see and hear how these lay ministries are developing across the diocese and how you might become part of this Good News story. For more information visit: https://www.killaloediocese.ie/ourdiocese/lay-ministries/.

This weekend we welcome Gerard Lynch one of our Pastoral Care Ministers who will be speaking at all masses in the parish about these ministries. If you have an interest in exploring more about these Ministries, take one of the promotional brochures, visit the diocesan website, speak to Gerard after Mass or come to one of the information evenings.