A Word of Gratitude
As the year draws to a close and as we once again stand on the threshold of a Jubilee Year, we look back with gratitude and look forward with hope. A word of thanks to all who support our parish and who are active in Ministry. So many people give of their time and talents in the service of the parish. We thank all who help with Liturgy – Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Basket Collectors, Counters, Envelope Distributors, Sacristans, Safe Guarding Rep, Church Organists, Choirs & Cantors, To those who serve on our Pastoral and Finance Committees, with special gratitude to the outgoing Parish Council for their years of service. To the organisers of Eucharistic Adoration and our Children’s Liturgy
and those who take care of our Parish Property. To Mary in the office ably assisted by her husband Jimmy and to the many volunteers who help each day to make our Parish active and vibrant. To those who prepare this weekly newsletter and those who keep our parish website up to date. We appreciate the support of both schools in the parish and all who help in handing on the faith. We look forward with hope to the great Jubilee Year 2025. May we all be opened to the unexpected, it may reveal hidden treasures.